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Reading is one of the four main skills in language learning and one of thehardest one for a foreign language learner. English language learners (ELLs)have great difficulty jumping into new texts withoutany background support.
Students should know at least something about the topicbefore reading. Some topics may be unfamiliar to students, such as recreationalactivities at the beach if students have never been to the beach before.Pictures, drawings, or short skits can help develop relevant backgroundinformation. “Students need to know at least 90 to 95% of the words they readif they are going to comprehend the text”.Therefore, it is important to use several strategies to build backgroundknowledge that leads to better reading comprehension and overall achievementfor ELLs. It does not hurt to review many words we often take for granted – notonly for the benefit of ELLs, but also for students who may not come to schoolwith a rich vocabulary background or exposure to certain experiences.Before reading a selection aloud or before students read a text, try takingseven to ten minutes to build word and background knowledge. This shouldincrease all students' comprehension of the text.
“reading is Uncountable act of readingsomething.” (Oxford:learner’s pocketdictionary). Begin by reviewing the selection and identifying the main concepts you want toteach. Take into account your students' potential knowledge of these concepts,including your ELLs. Decide how you might best make these concepts relevant andaccessible to all of your students. This might be through a film, discussion,student-reading assignment, or a text read by you. Try using a combination ofthree or four of the following strategies: There are nobold signals that show the relationship between features, except simple transition words between paragraphs.
A fewphotos of signs from the time period are included in the text. The photos donot have captions and are not explicitly related to the text near them, but Ido not think they are distracting.
The photos are small and quick to glance at.I believe the photos can help students connect the text to real life becausethey can see actual signs that were posted in public places at this time. Ialso think they are just small and easy enough to read to break up the articlefor students that do not like reading several pages of text, but they do notdetract from of confuse the text. I do think subheadings could be used to breakup the text and signal that a slightly different topic is coming.
Proposal Skripsi Pai
This couldhelp high school readers follow the text, and make it less intimidating. Theprocess of reading and comprehending in one's native language (L1) is verycomplex, due to the myriad of factors that interact with each other in anon-linear and non-sequential manner. The issues and their accompanyingcomplexity are further compounded when describing and understanding readingcomprehension in a second or foreign language (L2). In facilitating L2 readingcomprehension, the use of sound, pictures, and animated pictures or video inaddition to text have played an important role in vocabulary acquisition and inoverall text comprehension, and are unquestioned components of instructionalmaterials for language learning.
Make sure students understandwhat the purpose for reading is: to get the main idea, obtain specificinformation, understand most or all of the message, enjoy a story, or decidewhether or not to read more. Recognizing the purpose for reading will helpstudents select appropriate reading strategies. So thewriter is interested to conduct a research, which entitles, “ TEACHINGREADING THRO UGHSERIES PICTURETO INCREASESTUDENTS’ PREDICTING INFORMATION ABILITY AT THE FIRST GRADE OF SMK NEGERI 1MAJA ACADEMIC 2012-2013 ”.